Зарядное устройство GP Recyko M451 2600mAh в Москвe


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GP Recyko M451 в Москвe

Артикул 1000047663
Имя товара Зарядное устройство GP Recyko M451 2600mAh
Производитель GP
Артикул производителя Recyko M451
Штрихкод -
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi |

<h2 class="description_title">Efficient Charging with GP Recyko M451 2600mAh</h2> <p class="description_desc">The GP Recyko M451 2600mAh charger is a powerful and versatile solution for all your battery charging needs. Designed with modern life in mind, this charger offers exceptional compatibility and safety features that ensure your devices are always ready to go. Whether you're at home or on the road, the GP Recyko M451 keeps you connected.</p> <p class="description_desc">One of the key features of the GP Recyko M451 is its ability to charge up to four AA or AAA batteries simultaneously. It's compact and efficient, ensuring you always have the power you need without taking up too much space. The charger’s fast charging capabilities mean that you spend less time waiting for batteries to charge and more time using them. With a sleek design, it fits effortlessly into any setup or travel bag.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Top Features of GP Recyko M451</h3> <p class="description_desc">Safety is a top priority with the GP Recyko M451. The charger is equipped with smart safety functions to protect your batteries from overcharging, overheating, and short-circuiting. This ensures prolonged battery life and safety for both the charger and the batteries it recharges. It's an ideal choice for eco-conscious users and those looking for reliable power solutions.</p> <p class="description_desc">The GP Recyko M451 is manufactured in Hong Kong by a brand known for its commitment to quality and innovation in battery technology. The charger supports Ni-Mh batteries and boasts a capacity of 2600 mAh, providing ample power for most electronic devices. Its ability to draw power from multiple energy sources also adds to its versatility. With a 12-month warranty, you can trust in the durability and performance that GP Recyko is known for.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Why Choose GP Recyko M451?</h3> <p class="description_desc">Choosing the GP Recyko M451 2600mAh charger means investing in a product that offers both efficiency and reliability. It's perfect for tech enthusiasts, photographers with high battery demands, and anyone requiring dependable power. The compact design, coupled with the ability to quickly charge two batteries in just over two hours or four batteries in approximately four hours, makes it highly practical for diverse uses.</p> <p class="description_desc">Moreover, this charger provides the added benefit of a compact form factor, suitable for AA and AAA batteries. It's perfect for long trips where keeping your devices powered is crucial. The fast charging functionality ensures you aren't left waiting, and you can enjoy the flexibility of powering various devices efficiently.</p> <p class="description_desc">In conclusion, the GP Recyko M451 2600mAh charger is not just a device, but a reliable partner that supports your on-the-go lifestyle. With smart features aimed at enhancing safety and efficiency, while maintaining environmental consciousness, it's the perfect choice for modern users. Embrace convenience and power your lifestyle with GP Recyko M451.</p>

2890.00 ₽


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Цены в Москвe

Зарядное устройство GP Recyko M451 2600mAh

2890.00 ₽


График изменения цены

Технические характеристики GP Recyko M451

Общие сведения

Артикул в нашем сервисе 1000047663
Имя товара Зарядное устройство GP Recyko M451 2600mAh
Производитель GP
Артикул производителя Recyko M451
Штрихкод -
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi |

Общие характеристики

Количество мест для аккумуляторов 4


Гарантийный срок 1 г.

Основная информация

Страна производства Гонконг
Гарантия 12 месяцев
Тип зарядное устройство
EAN не указан в источниках


Форм-фактор AA, AAA

Электрические характеристики

Тип элемента питания Ni-Mh
Емкость аккумулятора 2600 mAh
Количество слотов 4
Возможность питания От различных источников энергии

Время зарядки

2 батареи 2+ часа
4 батареи 4+ часа (для батарей AA 2100mAh)


Компактное да
Быстрое зарядное устройство да
Умные функции безопасности да
Возможность зарядки до четырех батарей AA или AAA одновременно да

Обзор на GP Recyko M451

Efficient Charging with GP Recyko M451 2600mAh

The GP Recyko M451 2600mAh charger is a powerful and versatile solution for all your battery charging needs. Designed with modern life in mind, this charger offers exceptional compatibility and safety features that ensure your devices are always ready to go. Whether you're at home or on the road, the GP Recyko M451 keeps you connected.

One of the key features of the GP Recyko M451 is its ability to charge up to four AA or AAA batteries simultaneously. It's compact and efficient, ensuring you always have the power you need without taking up too much space. The charger’s fast charging capabilities mean that you spend less time waiting for batteries to charge and more time using them. With a sleek design, it fits effortlessly into any setup or travel bag.

Top Features of GP Recyko M451

Safety is a top priority with the GP Recyko M451. The charger is equipped with smart safety functions to protect your batteries from overcharging, overheating, and short-circuiting. This ensures prolonged battery life and safety for both the charger and the batteries it recharges. It's an ideal choice for eco-conscious users and those looking for reliable power solutions.

The GP Recyko M451 is manufactured in Hong Kong by a brand known for its commitment to quality and innovation in battery technology. The charger supports Ni-Mh batteries and boasts a capacity of 2600 mAh, providing ample power for most electronic devices. Its ability to draw power from multiple energy sources also adds to its versatility. With a 12-month warranty, you can trust in the durability and performance that GP Recyko is known for.

Why Choose GP Recyko M451?

Choosing the GP Recyko M451 2600mAh charger means investing in a product that offers both efficiency and reliability. It's perfect for tech enthusiasts, photographers with high battery demands, and anyone requiring dependable power. The compact design, coupled with the ability to quickly charge two batteries in just over two hours or four batteries in approximately four hours, makes it highly practical for diverse uses.

Moreover, this charger provides the added benefit of a compact form factor, suitable for AA and AAA batteries. It's perfect for long trips where keeping your devices powered is crucial. The fast charging functionality ensures you aren't left waiting, and you can enjoy the flexibility of powering various devices efficiently.

In conclusion, the GP Recyko M451 2600mAh charger is not just a device, but a reliable partner that supports your on-the-go lifestyle. With smart features aimed at enhancing safety and efficiency, while maintaining environmental consciousness, it's the perfect choice for modern users. Embrace convenience and power your lifestyle with GP Recyko M451.

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