Накопитель SSD Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB в Москвe


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Kingston SNVS/2000G в Москвe

Артикул 1000079442
Имя товара Накопитель SSD Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB
Производитель Kingston
Артикул производителя SNVS/2000G
Штрихкод 740617316889
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Котофото | Позитроника | E2e4online |

<h2 class="description_title">Overview of Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB SSD</h2> <p class="description_desc">The Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB SSD is an exceptional storage solution designed to meet the demands of modern computing environments. Part of Kingston's NV1 series, this SSD offers a substantial 2TB storage capacity and utilizes cutting-edge TLC 3D NAND flash memory technology. With its Silicon Motion SM2263 controller, the drive ensures outstanding performance and reliability, making it an ideal choice for both laptops and desktop computers.</p> <p class="description_desc">This storage device features a compact M.2 2280 form factor, seamlessly integrating into a range of setups. Its NVMe PCIe Gen 3.0 x 4 lanes interface provides a significant boost in data transfer speeds compared to traditional SATA-based SSDs. This internal hard drive is engineered to deliver top-notch performance with remarkable energy efficiency.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Performance and Efficiency</h3> <p class="description_desc">The Kingston SNVS/2000G SSD excels in delivering high-speed performance. It boasts impressive sequential read speeds of up to 2100 MB/s and write speeds reaching 1700 MB/s. This ensures fast boot times, quick application loading, and smoother data handling. With a TBW (Total Bytes Written) rating of 480TB, the SSD offers considerable endurance to support intensive daily tasks over an extended period.</p> <p class="description_desc">Energy efficiency is a key feature of the Kingston SNVS/2000G. In standby mode, it consumes only 5mW of power, with an average consumption of 340mW during operation. Maximum power draw occurs during heavy read operations at 1.1W and 3.3W during writes. These attributes make it an excellent choice for energy-conscious users looking to maximize their system's overall efficiency.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Durability and Compatibility</h3> <p class="description_desc">Designed for durability, the Kingston SNVS/2000G provides ample protection against physical shocks and vibrations. It withstands shocks up to 1500G when in use or stored, and vibrations of 2.17G and 20G for operational and non-operational states, respectively. This ensures that your data remains safe, even in challenging environments.</p> <p class="description_desc">Temperature resilience is another noteworthy attribute, as the SSD operates efficiently between 0°C to 70°C and can be stored at temperatures ranging from -40°C to 85°C. Its compact design, with dimensions of 22mm x 80mm x 2.1mm and a weight of just 7g, allows for versatile deployment in devices requiring space optimization.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Additional Features</h3> <p class="description_desc">The Kingston SNVS/2000G is compatible with a PCI-E 3.0 x4 setup and features an M.2 2280, M connector, ensuring broad compatibility with a wide array of motherboards and devices. It comes in a sleek blue color and is backed by Kingston's limited 3-year warranty, providing peace of mind with free technical support.</p> <p class="description_desc">In summary, the Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB SSD is a compelling option for anyone in need of high-speed, reliable, and energy-efficient storage. Whether for a laptop, desktop, or small form factor PC, this SSD is engineered to enhance your computing experience with its superior performance and robust design.</p>

11830.00 ₽


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График изменения цены

Технические характеристики Kingston SNVS/2000G

Общие сведения

Артикул в нашем сервисе 1000079442
Имя товара Накопитель SSD Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB
Производитель Kingston
Артикул производителя SNVS/2000G
Штрихкод 740617316889
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Котофото | Позитроника | E2e4online |

Основные характеристики

Линейка NV1
Емкость 2 ТБ
Тип флэш-памяти TLC 3D NAND
Контроллер Silicon Motion SM2263
Назначение для ноутбука и настольного компьютера
Форм-фактор M.2 2280
Емкость 2TB
Форм-фактор M.2 2280
Интерфейс NVMe PCIe Gen 3.0 x 4 Lanes
Тип установки Внутренний жесткий диск


Интерфейсы PCI-E
Разъем M.2
Тип разъема M.2 2280, M
Тип PCI-E PCI-E 3.0 x4

Параметры накопителя

Скорость чтения 2100 МБ/с
Скорость записи 1700 МБ/с

Ударостойкость и ресурс работы

Ударостойкость при работе 1500 G
Ударостойкость при хранении 1500 G
Суммарное число записываемых байтов (TBW) 480 ТБ


Поддержка технологий NVMe


Макс. рабочая температура 70 °C
Потребляемая мощность 3.3 Вт
Высота 2.1 мм
Длина 80 мм
Ширина 22 мм
Вес 7 г
Гарантийный срок 435 дн., Гарантия на комплектующие не предоставляется.


Скорости последовательного чтения/записи До 2100 МБ/с чтение, до 1700 МБ/с запись
Выносливость 480TBW


Энергопотребление в режиме ожидания 5mW
Среднее энергопотребление 340mW
Энергопотребление (макс.) чтение 1.1W
Энергопотребление (макс.) запись 3.3W

Температурные режимы

Температура хранения -40°C~85°C
Рабочая температура 0°C~70°C

Физические характеристики

Размеры 22мм x 80мм x 2.1мм

Устойчивость к вибрациям

Вибрация при работе 2.17G (7-800Hz)
Вибрация вне работы 20G (20-1000Hz)

Гарантия и поддержка

Гарантия Ограниченная 3-летняя гарантия с бесплатной технической поддержкой


Идеально для ноутбуков и ПК малого форм-фактора да

Прочие характеристики

Цвет синий
Особая характеристика портативный

Обзор на Kingston SNVS/2000G

Overview of Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB SSD

The Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB SSD is an exceptional storage solution designed to meet the demands of modern computing environments. Part of Kingston's NV1 series, this SSD offers a substantial 2TB storage capacity and utilizes cutting-edge TLC 3D NAND flash memory technology. With its Silicon Motion SM2263 controller, the drive ensures outstanding performance and reliability, making it an ideal choice for both laptops and desktop computers.

This storage device features a compact M.2 2280 form factor, seamlessly integrating into a range of setups. Its NVMe PCIe Gen 3.0 x 4 lanes interface provides a significant boost in data transfer speeds compared to traditional SATA-based SSDs. This internal hard drive is engineered to deliver top-notch performance with remarkable energy efficiency.

Performance and Efficiency

The Kingston SNVS/2000G SSD excels in delivering high-speed performance. It boasts impressive sequential read speeds of up to 2100 MB/s and write speeds reaching 1700 MB/s. This ensures fast boot times, quick application loading, and smoother data handling. With a TBW (Total Bytes Written) rating of 480TB, the SSD offers considerable endurance to support intensive daily tasks over an extended period.

Energy efficiency is a key feature of the Kingston SNVS/2000G. In standby mode, it consumes only 5mW of power, with an average consumption of 340mW during operation. Maximum power draw occurs during heavy read operations at 1.1W and 3.3W during writes. These attributes make it an excellent choice for energy-conscious users looking to maximize their system's overall efficiency.

Durability and Compatibility

Designed for durability, the Kingston SNVS/2000G provides ample protection against physical shocks and vibrations. It withstands shocks up to 1500G when in use or stored, and vibrations of 2.17G and 20G for operational and non-operational states, respectively. This ensures that your data remains safe, even in challenging environments.

Temperature resilience is another noteworthy attribute, as the SSD operates efficiently between 0°C to 70°C and can be stored at temperatures ranging from -40°C to 85°C. Its compact design, with dimensions of 22mm x 80mm x 2.1mm and a weight of just 7g, allows for versatile deployment in devices requiring space optimization.

Additional Features

The Kingston SNVS/2000G is compatible with a PCI-E 3.0 x4 setup and features an M.2 2280, M connector, ensuring broad compatibility with a wide array of motherboards and devices. It comes in a sleek blue color and is backed by Kingston's limited 3-year warranty, providing peace of mind with free technical support.

In summary, the Kingston SNVS/2000G 2TB SSD is a compelling option for anyone in need of high-speed, reliable, and energy-efficient storage. Whether for a laptop, desktop, or small form factor PC, this SSD is engineered to enhance your computing experience with its superior performance and robust design.

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