Картридж Cactus CS-C707BK 2500стр Черный в Москвe


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Cactus CS-C707BK в Москвe

Артикул 1000048854
Имя товара Картридж Cactus CS-C707BK 2500стр Черный
Производитель Cactus
Артикул производителя CS-C707BK
Штрихкод 4690207133487
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi | Котофото | Позитроника | E2e4online |

<h2 class="description_title">Overview of Cactus CS-C707BK Cartridge</h2> <p class="description_desc">Introducing the Cactus CS-C707BK cartridge, a top-tier solution for your laser printing needs. Designed specifically for Canon printers, this black toner cartridge promises high-quality prints and reliability. The Cactus CS-C707BK delivers excellent performance for both personal and professional printing tasks. It is engineered to be compatible with Canon LBP i-Sensys 5000/5100, ensuring seamless operation and flawless print results every time. With a robust yield of 2500 pages, it's ideal for offices and busy workspaces where volume and efficiency are key.</p> <p class="description_desc">The superior print quality of the Cactus CS-C707BK is attributed to its meticulous design and build. It ensures every print is sharp, crisp, and vivid, making it perfect for documents that demand a professional look. Whether it's text-heavy reports, presentations, or proposals, this cartridge guarantees consistent darkness and sharpness. Given its black color, it produces mono prints which are essential in many business environments.</p> <h2 class="description_title">Features and Benefits</h2> <p class="description_desc">One of the standout features of the Cactus CS-C707BK is its compatibility with several Canon laser printers, including Canon LBP i-Sensys 5000/5100. This flexibility ensures that businesses and individuals can make the most out of their printer investment without multiple purchases for different machines.</p> <p class="description_desc">Additionally, the cartridge includes a chip which allows for easy installation and use. This feature reduces the risk of printing errors and maximizes the printer's performance. Employing this cartridge not only enhances print quality but also boosts overall productivity and operational efficiency.</p> <p class="description_desc">A significant advantage of the Cactus CS-C707BK is its noteworthy page yield. With the capability to print up to 2500 pages, it is well-suited for heavy-duty tasks, making frequent replacements unnecessary. This durability ensures that it maintains its quality throughout its lifespan, offering the long-term benefits of cost efficiency and reliability.</p> <p class="description_desc">Furthermore, with a shelf life of 1096 days and a twelve-month warranty from the manufacturer, buyers can be assured of the longevity and quality of the product. The guarantee covers any manufacturing defects, enhancing buyer confidence and ensuring satisfaction with every purchase.</p> <p class="description_desc">The Cactus CS-C707BK cartridge is also environmentally considerate due to its standard capacity design, minimizing waste and maximizing resource usage. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to uphold sustainable practices without compromising on quality.</p> <p class="description_desc">The marketplace reputation of Cactus as a manufacturer of compatible consumables solidifies the trustworthiness and credibility of using the CS-C707BK cartridge. Their commitment to excellence manifests in each product development process, fulfilling the high expectations of users worldwide.</p> <p class="description_desc">In conclusion, for those seeking a combination of high performance, reliability, and excellent print quality, the Cactus CS-C707BK cartridge is an ideal choice. Its strong compatibility, high page yield, and cost-saving potential make it an indispensable asset for anyone dependent on laser printing technology. Choose the Cactus CS-C707BK and experience an elevation in your printing operations today.</p>

2420.00 ₽


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График изменения цены

Технические характеристики Cactus CS-C707BK

Общие сведения

Артикул в нашем сервисе 1000048854
Имя товара Картридж Cactus CS-C707BK 2500стр Черный
Производитель Cactus
Артикул производителя CS-C707BK
Штрихкод 4690207133487
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi | Котофото | Позитроника | E2e4online |

Общие характеристики

Тип картридж
Назначение для лазерной печати
Цвет черный
Количество картриджей 1 шт.
Производитель принтера Canon
Ресурс 2500 страниц


Срок годности 1096 дн.
Гарантийный срок 1 г., Гарантия действует при условии сохранности внешнего вида и упаковки товара.

Основные характеристики

Тип картридж
Назначение для лазерной печати

Технические характеристики

Цвет картриджа черный
Цветность черно-белый
Количество цветов 1
Ресурс 2500стр.
Совместимость Для Canon LBP i-Sensys 5000/5100
Емкость стандартная
Наличие чипа с чипом

Дополнительные характеристики

Производитель совместимого устройства Cactus
Гарантия 12 месяцев

Обзор на Cactus CS-C707BK

Overview of Cactus CS-C707BK Cartridge

Introducing the Cactus CS-C707BK cartridge, a top-tier solution for your laser printing needs. Designed specifically for Canon printers, this black toner cartridge promises high-quality prints and reliability. The Cactus CS-C707BK delivers excellent performance for both personal and professional printing tasks. It is engineered to be compatible with Canon LBP i-Sensys 5000/5100, ensuring seamless operation and flawless print results every time. With a robust yield of 2500 pages, it's ideal for offices and busy workspaces where volume and efficiency are key.

The superior print quality of the Cactus CS-C707BK is attributed to its meticulous design and build. It ensures every print is sharp, crisp, and vivid, making it perfect for documents that demand a professional look. Whether it's text-heavy reports, presentations, or proposals, this cartridge guarantees consistent darkness and sharpness. Given its black color, it produces mono prints which are essential in many business environments.

Features and Benefits

One of the standout features of the Cactus CS-C707BK is its compatibility with several Canon laser printers, including Canon LBP i-Sensys 5000/5100. This flexibility ensures that businesses and individuals can make the most out of their printer investment without multiple purchases for different machines.

Additionally, the cartridge includes a chip which allows for easy installation and use. This feature reduces the risk of printing errors and maximizes the printer's performance. Employing this cartridge not only enhances print quality but also boosts overall productivity and operational efficiency.

A significant advantage of the Cactus CS-C707BK is its noteworthy page yield. With the capability to print up to 2500 pages, it is well-suited for heavy-duty tasks, making frequent replacements unnecessary. This durability ensures that it maintains its quality throughout its lifespan, offering the long-term benefits of cost efficiency and reliability.

Furthermore, with a shelf life of 1096 days and a twelve-month warranty from the manufacturer, buyers can be assured of the longevity and quality of the product. The guarantee covers any manufacturing defects, enhancing buyer confidence and ensuring satisfaction with every purchase.

The Cactus CS-C707BK cartridge is also environmentally considerate due to its standard capacity design, minimizing waste and maximizing resource usage. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to uphold sustainable practices without compromising on quality.

The marketplace reputation of Cactus as a manufacturer of compatible consumables solidifies the trustworthiness and credibility of using the CS-C707BK cartridge. Their commitment to excellence manifests in each product development process, fulfilling the high expectations of users worldwide.

In conclusion, for those seeking a combination of high performance, reliability, and excellent print quality, the Cactus CS-C707BK cartridge is an ideal choice. Its strong compatibility, high page yield, and cost-saving potential make it an indispensable asset for anyone dependent on laser printing technology. Choose the Cactus CS-C707BK and experience an elevation in your printing operations today.

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Картридж Cactus CS-C707BK 2500стр Черный

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Отличный балансир. У продавца четко прописаны параметры: название, номер, цвет. Было заказано 2 шт., каждая пришла в индивидуальной упаковке. Рекомендую товар и продавца.

Прошёл не той окраски

Спасибо! Всё как и ожидалось. Пластик хороший, крепления тоже. "-" Ели нашли ключ, инструкции нет. А, он сзади, между креплениями, "выламывается"🤷 Очень тяжело открыть этим ключом, надо сильно надавить, страшно поломать или его или защёлки. Но, с третьего раза полегче стало. Хоть бы не потерять его теперь, обычная пласмаска. Но, в целом довольны )))) Спасибо!

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Всё отлично, соответствует описанию.

Все устроило!

5 Александр

Фляжка Следопыт

Фляга хорошая, но стенки очень тоннкие, не походная вещь, скорее комнатная.

Шикардовая штука!

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Покупала на подарок фляжку 240мл. Выглядит добротно, аккуратная, герметичная.

...и всё таки остаётся привкус металла в спиртном, фляжку перед использованием промыл прополоскал дистиллированной водой без фанатизма, налил вискаря несколько часов и привкус... слил виски в стеклянную тару а привкус остался всёравно, т.е. алкоголь вбирает в себя. Буду пробовать заливать водкой для прогонки может поможет. В целом изделие удобное по размерам, объём брал 150 но полностью 150 не входит

Супер! Правда была задержка с доставкой! Но все цело ! Спасибо!

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Тумба 1Marka

Хоть коробка и развалилась, но тумба и раковина пришли в целости👍🏻 чему очень рада. Спасибо, в местных магазинах нет таких размеров тумб

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Тумба 1Marka

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