Камера видеонаблюдения аналоговая HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) 2.8-2.8мм HD-TVI цв. корп.:белый в Москвe


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Hikvision DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) в Москвe

Артикул 1000034270
Имя товара Камера видеонаблюдения аналоговая HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) 2.8-2.8мм HD-TVI цв. корп.:белый
Производитель Hikvision
Артикул производителя DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM)
Штрихкод -
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi |

<h2 class="description_title">Overview of HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) Analog Surveillance Camera</h2> <p class="description_desc">Introducing the HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) – a state-of-the-art analog surveillance camera designed with precision and reliability in mind. Encased in a sleek, white design, this camera seamlessly blends into any environment while providing exceptional surveillance capabilities. It's engineered to cater to various surveillance needs, ideal for ensuring the safety and security of your premises.</p> <p class="description_desc">The HiWatch DS-T200A(B) supports multiple video standards such as AHD, CVBS, HD-CVI, HD-TVI, and MHD, making it versatile and compatible with different monitoring systems. This device is specially designed for outdoor use, delivering vibrant, high-quality color images with a maximum resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Capture every detail with its ability to record at 30 frames per second, ensuring nothing goes unnoticed.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Key Features and Specifications</h3> <p class="description_desc">One of the standout features of this camera is its 2-megapixel CMOS sensor, paired with a fixed-focus lens with a focal length of 2.8mm. The camera offers a wide viewing angle, with a horizontal angle of 101°, vertical of 56°, and a maximum diagonal angle of 118°, providing extensive coverage of any area. Thanks to the advanced Smart EXIR technology, it also includes an IR illumination range of up to 30 meters, perfect for night-time surveillance.</p> <p class="description_desc">The HiWatch DS-T200A(B) is not just about video; audio is also covered with a built-in microphone and AoC (Audio over Coaxial), allowing for seamless audio capture and relay through the same cable. Whether you need live monitoring or recorded evidence, this feature-rich camera does it all.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Reliability and Installation</h3> <p class="description_desc">Built to withstand harsh conditions, the HiWatch DS-T200A(B) is rated IP67, showcasing its resilience against dust and water ingress. It's designed to perform under extreme temperatures ranging from -40°C to 60°C, making it suitable for various outdoor environments. The camera's robust construction ensures longevity and reliability, even in the most challenging circumstances.</p> <p class="description_desc">Installation is straightforward, with the camera supporting wall mounting, further enhancing its adaptability to different scenarios. Power requirements are minimal, drawing a mere 3.3 watts at 12V, making it both cost-effective and energy efficient.</p> <p class="description_desc">Moreover, the device incorporates advanced image enhancement technologies such as DWDR (Digital Wide Dynamic Range), 2D DNR (Digital Noise Reduction), and BLC (Back Light Compensation) to improve image quality in challenging lighting conditions. Whether it's day or night, the mechanical IR filter and Smart IR technology ensure consistently clear images, eliminating overexposure and delivering optimal clarity in all lighting scenarios.</p> <p class="description_desc">The HiWatch DS-T200A(B) is more than just a surveillance camera; it is a comprehensive security solution that combines high-quality imaging, easy installation, and reliable performance. Whether it's for a residential setup or a commercial space, this camera proves to be a trustworthy guardian of your property, day and night.</p>

3870.00 ₽


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Цены в Москвe

Камера видеонаблюдения аналоговая HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) 2.8-2.8мм HD-TVI цв. корп.:белый

3870.00 ₽


График изменения цены

Технические характеристики Hikvision DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM)

Общие сведения

Артикул в нашем сервисе 1000034270
Имя товара Камера видеонаблюдения аналоговая HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) 2.8-2.8мм HD-TVI цв. корп.:белый
Производитель Hikvision
Артикул производителя DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM)
Штрихкод -
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi |

Общие характеристики

Цвет товара белый
Стандарт видеокамеры AHD, CVBS, HD-CVI, HD-TVI, MHD
Тип видеокамеры уличная видеокамера
Изображение цветное
Макс. разрешение видеокамеры 1920x1080
Частота кадров при макс. разрешении 30 кадров/с
Количество мегапикселей 2
Тип матрицы CMOS
Объектив фикс. фокус
Мин. фокусное расстояние 2.8 мм
Макс. фокусное расстояние 2.8 мм
Макс. угол обзора 118°
Угол обзора камеры по горизонтали 101°
Угол обзора камеры по вертикали 56°
Дальность ИК-подсветки 30 м
Функции и особенности ИК-подсветка, ночной режим
Макс. угол поворота 360°
Макс. угол наклона 180°
Питание от адаптера
Напряжение питания 12 В
Потребляемая мощность 3.3 Вт
Установка настенная
Класс защиты IP IP67
Мин. рабочая температура -40°C
Макс. рабочая температура 60°C
Размеры 139x58x61 мм
Вес 0.266 кг
Тип соединения устройств проводное

Основные характеристики

Разрешение 2 MP (1920×1080)
Сенсор 1/2.7" CMOS со строчной разверткой
Объектив Фиксированное фокусное расстояние 2.8 мм

Угол обзора

Горизонтальный 106.4°
Вертикальный 57.9°
Диагональный 124.6°


Smart EXIR до 30 м, 20 м в некоторых источниках


Встроенный микрофон да
AoC Аудио через коаксиальный кабель

Видео выход

Переключаемый HD-TVI/AHD/CVI/CVBS


Питание 12 В DC ±25%
Потребляемая мощность макс. 3.7 Вт, макс. 4 Вт в некоторых источниках

Условия эксплуатации

Рабочая температура -40°C до +60°C


Класс защиты IP66, IP67 в некоторых источниках


Размеры 58×61×158.6 мм, 69.1×66×172.7 мм в некоторых источниках


Вес 292 г

Дополнительные функции

DWDR Цифровой широкий динамический диапазон
HLC Компенсация яркого света
2D DNR цифровое шумоподавление
BLC компенсация задней засветки
Режим день/ночь Механический ИК-фильтр
OSD Экранное меню
Smart IR технология да
Поддержка английского языка да

Обзор на Hikvision DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM)

Overview of HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) Analog Surveillance Camera

Introducing the HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) – a state-of-the-art analog surveillance camera designed with precision and reliability in mind. Encased in a sleek, white design, this camera seamlessly blends into any environment while providing exceptional surveillance capabilities. It's engineered to cater to various surveillance needs, ideal for ensuring the safety and security of your premises.

The HiWatch DS-T200A(B) supports multiple video standards such as AHD, CVBS, HD-CVI, HD-TVI, and MHD, making it versatile and compatible with different monitoring systems. This device is specially designed for outdoor use, delivering vibrant, high-quality color images with a maximum resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Capture every detail with its ability to record at 30 frames per second, ensuring nothing goes unnoticed.

Key Features and Specifications

One of the standout features of this camera is its 2-megapixel CMOS sensor, paired with a fixed-focus lens with a focal length of 2.8mm. The camera offers a wide viewing angle, with a horizontal angle of 101°, vertical of 56°, and a maximum diagonal angle of 118°, providing extensive coverage of any area. Thanks to the advanced Smart EXIR technology, it also includes an IR illumination range of up to 30 meters, perfect for night-time surveillance.

The HiWatch DS-T200A(B) is not just about video; audio is also covered with a built-in microphone and AoC (Audio over Coaxial), allowing for seamless audio capture and relay through the same cable. Whether you need live monitoring or recorded evidence, this feature-rich camera does it all.

Reliability and Installation

Built to withstand harsh conditions, the HiWatch DS-T200A(B) is rated IP67, showcasing its resilience against dust and water ingress. It's designed to perform under extreme temperatures ranging from -40°C to 60°C, making it suitable for various outdoor environments. The camera's robust construction ensures longevity and reliability, even in the most challenging circumstances.

Installation is straightforward, with the camera supporting wall mounting, further enhancing its adaptability to different scenarios. Power requirements are minimal, drawing a mere 3.3 watts at 12V, making it both cost-effective and energy efficient.

Moreover, the device incorporates advanced image enhancement technologies such as DWDR (Digital Wide Dynamic Range), 2D DNR (Digital Noise Reduction), and BLC (Back Light Compensation) to improve image quality in challenging lighting conditions. Whether it's day or night, the mechanical IR filter and Smart IR technology ensure consistently clear images, eliminating overexposure and delivering optimal clarity in all lighting scenarios.

The HiWatch DS-T200A(B) is more than just a surveillance camera; it is a comprehensive security solution that combines high-quality imaging, easy installation, and reliable performance. Whether it's for a residential setup or a commercial space, this camera proves to be a trustworthy guardian of your property, day and night.

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Камера видеонаблюдения аналоговая HiWatch DS-T200A(B) (2.8MM) 2.8-2.8мм HD-TVI цв. корп.:белый

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