26H03210503B0 CABLE,USB 2.0 REV.B0,SR10569x03,900MM,FC , OEM {125}


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Chenbro 26H03210503B0

Артикул 1000028563
Имя товара 26H03210503B0 CABLE,USB 2.0 REV.B0,SR10569x03,900MM,FC , OEM {125}
Производитель Chenbro
Артикул производителя 26H03210503B0
Штрихкод -
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi |

<h2 class="description_title">Overview of the 26H03210503B0 CABLE, USB 2.0 REV.B0, SR10569x03, 900MM, FC, OEM {125}</h2> <p class="description_desc">The 26H03210503B0 CABLE is an essential accessory designed to effortlessly connect your mobile and server devices. As technology continues to advance, having a reliable and high-quality cable can make a significant difference in maintaining efficient connectivity. This USB 2.0 REV.B0 cable is tailored for both home and professional environments, ensuring data transfer and charging needs are met with accuracy and dependability.</p> <p class="description_desc">This cable isn’t just about functionality; it is crafted with precision and attention to detail. Whether you are looking to replace an old cable or require a spare for your office, its design and capacity make it a perfect choice. With its robust flexibility and impressive specifications, the 26H03210503B0 CABLE stands out as a product that combines quality with efficiency.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Key Features and Specifications</h3> <p class="description_desc">This cable primarily serves as a tool to bridge connections between devices, highlighting its ability to support various systems without compromising on performance. The type of cable is specifically marked for mobile devices and server connections, providing versatility across different applications.</p> <p class="description_desc">When it comes to the interface, this product is equipped with the USB 2.0 REV.B0 specification. It was incorrectly noted as ATX 8pin (M) - ATX 8pin (F) in one source, which has been amended for clarity. This technical detail ensures that users understand the compatibility and functionality of the cable, alleviating any concerns of incorrect purchases.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Physical Attributes and Practicality</h3> <p class="description_desc">Physically, the 26H03210503B0 CABLE measures 900 mm in length or 0.9 meters, providing ample reach for most setups. Its beige color makes it discrete, easily blending with various decors and environments. The color also has the added benefit of being easy on the eyes, especially in professional settings where aesthetics are important.</p> <p class="description_desc">The packaging of the product is straightforward and user-friendly, with one piece included per package. This individual packaging ensures that the cable reaches the end-user without damages and is ready to use straight out of the box. The packaging design reflects careful consideration of convenience and protection, qualities that are essential for any technical product.</p> <p class="description_desc">Another critical element in considering this product is its OEM code: {125}. This identifier assists in tracking and consistency, especially useful for bulk orders or when dealing with replacements. The unique code guarantees that you receive the exact product ordered, maintaining the quality assurance expected from this tried and tested solution.</p> <p class="description_desc">In conclusion, the 26H03210503B0 is an exemplary model suitable for anyone in need of a reliable and durable cable. Whether for professional installations or enhancing your personal device experience, its features are tailored to meet the everyday demands of connectivity with ease and proficiency. Make sure to choose this cable for its dependable performance and the convenience it brings to your technology toolkit.</p>

550.00 ₽


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26H03210503B0 CABLE,USB 2.0 REV.B0,SR10569x03,900MM,FC , OEM {125}

550.00 ₽


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Технические характеристики Chenbro 26H03210503B0

Общие сведения

Артикул в нашем сервисе 1000028563
Имя товара 26H03210503B0 CABLE,USB 2.0 REV.B0,SR10569x03,900MM,FC , OEM {125}
Производитель Chenbro
Артикул производителя 26H03210503B0
Штрихкод -
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi |

Основные характеристики

Тип кабель


Тип Кабель для мобильных устройств, Серверный кабель


Интерфейс USB 2.0 REV.B0
Дополнительная информация об интерфейсе Ошибочно указан как ATX 8pin (M) - ATX 8pin (F) в одном источнике

Физические характеристики

Длина 900 мм (или 0.9 метра)
Цвет бежевый


Упаковка 1 штука в упаковке


код OEM {125}

Обзор на Chenbro 26H03210503B0

Overview of the 26H03210503B0 CABLE, USB 2.0 REV.B0, SR10569x03, 900MM, FC, OEM {125}

The 26H03210503B0 CABLE is an essential accessory designed to effortlessly connect your mobile and server devices. As technology continues to advance, having a reliable and high-quality cable can make a significant difference in maintaining efficient connectivity. This USB 2.0 REV.B0 cable is tailored for both home and professional environments, ensuring data transfer and charging needs are met with accuracy and dependability.

This cable isn’t just about functionality; it is crafted with precision and attention to detail. Whether you are looking to replace an old cable or require a spare for your office, its design and capacity make it a perfect choice. With its robust flexibility and impressive specifications, the 26H03210503B0 CABLE stands out as a product that combines quality with efficiency.

Key Features and Specifications

This cable primarily serves as a tool to bridge connections between devices, highlighting its ability to support various systems without compromising on performance. The type of cable is specifically marked for mobile devices and server connections, providing versatility across different applications.

When it comes to the interface, this product is equipped with the USB 2.0 REV.B0 specification. It was incorrectly noted as ATX 8pin (M) - ATX 8pin (F) in one source, which has been amended for clarity. This technical detail ensures that users understand the compatibility and functionality of the cable, alleviating any concerns of incorrect purchases.

Physical Attributes and Practicality

Physically, the 26H03210503B0 CABLE measures 900 mm in length or 0.9 meters, providing ample reach for most setups. Its beige color makes it discrete, easily blending with various decors and environments. The color also has the added benefit of being easy on the eyes, especially in professional settings where aesthetics are important.

The packaging of the product is straightforward and user-friendly, with one piece included per package. This individual packaging ensures that the cable reaches the end-user without damages and is ready to use straight out of the box. The packaging design reflects careful consideration of convenience and protection, qualities that are essential for any technical product.

Another critical element in considering this product is its OEM code: {125}. This identifier assists in tracking and consistency, especially useful for bulk orders or when dealing with replacements. The unique code guarantees that you receive the exact product ordered, maintaining the quality assurance expected from this tried and tested solution.

In conclusion, the 26H03210503B0 is an exemplary model suitable for anyone in need of a reliable and durable cable. Whether for professional installations or enhancing your personal device experience, its features are tailored to meet the everyday demands of connectivity with ease and proficiency. Make sure to choose this cable for its dependable performance and the convenience it brings to your technology toolkit.

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26H03210503B0 CABLE,USB 2.0 REV.B0,SR10569x03,900MM,FC , OEM {125}

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