Кулер INTEL ORIGINAL s1150/s1155/s1156 ( Al ) - 80W в Москвe


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Intel E97379-003 в Москвe

Артикул 1000026806
Имя товара Кулер INTEL ORIGINAL s1150/s1155/s1156 ( Al ) - 80W
Производитель Intel
Артикул производителя E97379-003
Штрихкод 5032037150354
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi |

<h2 class="description_title">Introducing the Intel Original Cooler: A Masterpiece in Processor Cooling</h2> <p class="description_desc">For those who understand the significance of efficient processor cooling, the Intel Original Cooler for sockets s1150/s1155/s1156 (Al) offers an impeccable blend of design, performance, and reliability. Model E97379-003, this cooler promises not just to meet but exceed the demands of the modern computing environment. Here, we delve deep into the features and specifications of this high-performance equipment.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Innovative Design and High-Quality Materials</h3> <p class="description_desc">Crafted predominantly from aluminum, the Intel Original Cooler embodies a sleek blend of black and aluminum that enhances any motherboard's aesthetics. Not just for looks, aluminum is chosen for its superior heat dissipation capabilities, ensuring your processor remains within optimal temperature ranges even under heavy loads. The radiator's dimensions, at 87.0 x 87.0 x 18.7 mm, ensure a compact yet effective fit, making it suitable for various system builds, from tight-packed workstations to high-performance gaming rigs.</p> <p class="description_desc">With its single 90 mm fan which rotates between 1000 to 2200 revolutions per minute, this cooler provides an ideal balance between cooling efficiency and noise level. Despite its impressive cooling power, the noise level is kept at a modest 38 dB, ensuring a quiet computing experience, crucial for prolonged usage sessions or during tasks requiring high concentration.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Performance-Driven Functionality</h3> <p class="description_desc">The Intel Original Cooler is designed for processors with a maximum thermal design power (TDP) of 73 watts, ensuring that even when your CPU is working at full capacity, the heat is effectively managed. Supporting processor sockets LGA 1150, LGA 1151, LGA 1155, LGA 1156, and LGA 1200, this cooler offers versatility for users planning upgrades or cross-generation compatibility.</p> <p class="description_desc">Processor compatibility extends to popular Intel series, including Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, and Intel® Pentium®. This extensive compatibility underlines the cooler's utility for both advanced users and standard office setups.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Technical Excellence and Ease of Installation</h3> <p class="description_desc">Installation ease is paramount, and the Intel Original Cooler delivers on this front with its 3-pin connector type, which simplifies attachment while ensuring a secure fit. Users need not worry about complex setups or additional tools, making it an appealing choice for DIY PC builds or regular maintenance by tech enthusiasts.</p> <p class="description_desc">Operating at a nominal voltage of 12 Vdc with current needs of 0.28A and 0.41A, power consumption remains efficient, ensuring that the cooler does not become a bottleneck for your power supply or system setup. Weighing in at a mere 217 grams and with dimensions measuring 114x114x58 mm, it's both lightweight and compact.</p> <p class="description_desc">In conclusion, the Intel Original Cooler for s1150/s1155/s1156 sockets (Al) stands out as a sentinel of cooling efficiency. Endorsed by a bestseller ranking of #83 within computer cooling fan categories, it has proven its worth among users. Backed by a six-month warranty, this cooling solution is ideal for those who demand consistent reliability and performance from their hardware. Embrace the assurance of a cooler that not only supports your processor’s full potential but also emphasizes silent operation, minimal fuss during installation, and long-term performance longevity.</p>

495.00 ₽


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Цены в Москвe

Кулер INTEL ORIGINAL s1150/s1155/s1156 ( Al ) - 80W

495.00 ₽


График изменения цены

Технические характеристики Intel E97379-003

Общие сведения

Артикул в нашем сервисе 1000026806
Имя товара Кулер INTEL ORIGINAL s1150/s1155/s1156 ( Al ) - 80W
Производитель Intel
Артикул производителя E97379-003
Штрихкод 5032037150354
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi |

Общие характеристики

Назначение для процессора
Максимальная рассеиваемая мощность (TDP), Вт 73
Сокет процессора LGA 1150, LGA 1151, LGA 1155, LGA 1156, LGA 1200
Материал радиатора алюминий
Количество вентиляторов 1
Диаметр вентилятора 90 мм
Скорость вращения 1000 - 2200 об/мин
Уровень шума 38 дБ


Тип коннектора 3-pin
Подсветка отсутствует
Регулятор оборотов отсутствует
Размеры кулера (ШхВxГ) 114x114x58 мм
Вес 217 г
Гарантийный срок 6 мес.


Подходящее расположение процессор
Тип Air cooler
Поддерживаемые сокеты процессоров LGA 1150 (разъем H3), LGA 1151 (разъем H4), LGA 1155 (Socket H2), LGA 1156 (Socket H)
Совместимые серии процессоров Процессор Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, Процессор Intel® Pentium®


Цвет товара Алюминий, Черный
Материал радиатора алюминий
Количество вентиляторов 1 вентилятор(ы)

Логистические данные

Код гармонизированной системы описания (HS) 84733080

Общая информация

Название модели E97379-003
Тип продукта Охлаждение для процессора
Дата первой доступности 22 сентября 2016
Рейтинг бестселлеров #83 в категории компьютерных охлаждающих вентиляторов для процессора


Тип сокета ЦП LGA 1155/1156/1150/1151
Совместимость Intel Core i7/i5/i3

Характеристики вентилятора

Скорость вентилятора 1200 - 2500 RPM
Максимальная скорость вращения 2500 RPM
Уровень шума 22 dBA
Тип подшипника гидродинамический подшипник
Функция PWM да
Направления 4
Разъем 4-pin

Электрические параметры

Номинальное напряжение 12 Vdc
Номинальный ток 0.28A, 0.41A
Потребление энергии 260 ватт

Физические параметры

Размеры 4.33"Д x 4.09"Ш x 2.95"В (дюймы) / 92.0 x 92.0 x 40.0 мм
Вес 6.38 унций / 210.0 г

Материалы и Конструкция

Материал радиатора Алюминий + вставка из меди, Алюминий
Материалы алюминий, медь
Метод охлаждения Воздушное охлаждение
Размеры радиатора 87.0 x 87.0 x 18.7 мм

Обзор на Intel E97379-003

Introducing the Intel Original Cooler: A Masterpiece in Processor Cooling

For those who understand the significance of efficient processor cooling, the Intel Original Cooler for sockets s1150/s1155/s1156 (Al) offers an impeccable blend of design, performance, and reliability. Model E97379-003, this cooler promises not just to meet but exceed the demands of the modern computing environment. Here, we delve deep into the features and specifications of this high-performance equipment.

Innovative Design and High-Quality Materials

Crafted predominantly from aluminum, the Intel Original Cooler embodies a sleek blend of black and aluminum that enhances any motherboard's aesthetics. Not just for looks, aluminum is chosen for its superior heat dissipation capabilities, ensuring your processor remains within optimal temperature ranges even under heavy loads. The radiator's dimensions, at 87.0 x 87.0 x 18.7 mm, ensure a compact yet effective fit, making it suitable for various system builds, from tight-packed workstations to high-performance gaming rigs.

With its single 90 mm fan which rotates between 1000 to 2200 revolutions per minute, this cooler provides an ideal balance between cooling efficiency and noise level. Despite its impressive cooling power, the noise level is kept at a modest 38 dB, ensuring a quiet computing experience, crucial for prolonged usage sessions or during tasks requiring high concentration.

Performance-Driven Functionality

The Intel Original Cooler is designed for processors with a maximum thermal design power (TDP) of 73 watts, ensuring that even when your CPU is working at full capacity, the heat is effectively managed. Supporting processor sockets LGA 1150, LGA 1151, LGA 1155, LGA 1156, and LGA 1200, this cooler offers versatility for users planning upgrades or cross-generation compatibility.

Processor compatibility extends to popular Intel series, including Intel® Celeron®, Intel® Core™ i3, Intel® Core™ i5, Intel® Core™ i7, and Intel® Pentium®. This extensive compatibility underlines the cooler's utility for both advanced users and standard office setups.

Technical Excellence and Ease of Installation

Installation ease is paramount, and the Intel Original Cooler delivers on this front with its 3-pin connector type, which simplifies attachment while ensuring a secure fit. Users need not worry about complex setups or additional tools, making it an appealing choice for DIY PC builds or regular maintenance by tech enthusiasts.

Operating at a nominal voltage of 12 Vdc with current needs of 0.28A and 0.41A, power consumption remains efficient, ensuring that the cooler does not become a bottleneck for your power supply or system setup. Weighing in at a mere 217 grams and with dimensions measuring 114x114x58 mm, it's both lightweight and compact.

In conclusion, the Intel Original Cooler for s1150/s1155/s1156 sockets (Al) stands out as a sentinel of cooling efficiency. Endorsed by a bestseller ranking of #83 within computer cooling fan categories, it has proven its worth among users. Backed by a six-month warranty, this cooling solution is ideal for those who demand consistent reliability and performance from their hardware. Embrace the assurance of a cooler that not only supports your processor’s full potential but also emphasizes silent operation, minimal fuss during installation, and long-term performance longevity.

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ВАЙЛБЕРИС ГАВНО !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Пришел с браком, бежит радиатор. Вб назад не принял. Представители свяжитесь со мной.

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