D-Link DMC-805G/A11A, Media Converter with 1 1000Base-T port and 1 1000Base-X SFP port.Jumbo frame. в Москвe


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D-Link DMC-805G/A11A в Москвe

Артикул 1000026204
Имя товара D-Link DMC-805G/A11A, Media Converter with 1 1000Base-T port and 1 1000Base-X SFP port.Jumbo frame.
Производитель D-Link
Артикул производителя DMC-805G/A11A
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Найденные продавцы Oldi | Котофото | Позитроника | Техпорт |

<p class="description_desc">Marvel at the perfect balance of technology and reliability embodied in the D-Link DMC-805G/A11A, an advanced media converter designed to streamline your networking needs. This device is an essential component for extending your network with unmatched efficiency, seamlessly aligning with modern connectivity standards. The D-Link DMC-805G/A11A is adept at converting signals between the 1000Base-T twist-pair format and the 1000Base-SX/LX optical fiber formats, offering you a versatile solution for your networking infrastructure.</p> <h2 class="description_title">Key Features of D-Link DMC-805G/A11A</h2> <p class="description_desc">The D-Link DMC-805G/A11A media converter is equipped with one 1000Base-T port and one 1000Base-X SFP port, facilitating efficient and robust connections essential for high-speed internet requirements. This converter supports Jumbo Frames, a critical feature for enhancing data throughput in networking environments that demand high efficiency and reliability. Whether you aim to link up large corporate networks or align with substantial data transfer setups, the DMC-805G/A11A provides the capacity and speed to meet these challenges.</p> <p class="description_desc">The D-Link DMC-805G/A11A is constructed with durability in mind, featuring a sturdy metallic casing that ensures its longevity and reliability over years of use. The robust build quality of this converter makes it ideal for both office and industrial environments, ensuring that it will withstand the demands of daily operational use. Further enhancing its practicality, the media converter includes LED status indicators, allowing for straightforward monitoring of the network connection status at any time without requiring technical adjustments.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Enhanced Compatibility and Applications</h3> <p class="description_desc">This media converter is designed with compatibility in focus, easily integrating into existing setups without extensive rearrangements. Its compatibility with the DMC-1000 chassis highlights its versatility, making it a flexible solution for expanding and adapting your network infrastructure. The D-Link DMC-805G/A11A proves indispensable for businesses seeking to enhance their networks with optical fiber communication, offering reliable conversion capabilities and significant flexibility for many environments.</p> <p class="description_desc">One of the prominent features of the D-Link DMC-805G/A11A is its ability to extend the reach of optical fiber cables up to 550 meters for multimode fibers. This is particularly advantageous in large office buildings, industrial plants, and other sizable infrastructures where connecting vast areas effectively is essential. By supporting long-distance optical fiber connections, this media converter makes it possible to maintain a cohesive network fabric without compromising on speed or data integrity.</p> <p class="description_desc">In conclusion, the D-Link DMC-805G/A11A media converter stands out as a definitive evolution in network technology. Its robust design, coupled with high compatibility and enhanced feature set, makes it a prime choice for enterprises aiming to achieve superior networking capabilities. Whether it's about expanding your current network into a new facility or upgrading to a more efficient, future-proofed infrastructure, this device delivers essential benefits that cater to modern digital demands, ensuring your business remains agile and competitive in a fast-paced digital landscape.</p>

4910.00 ₽


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Цены в Москвe

D-Link DMC-805G/A11A, Media Converter with 1 1000Base-T port and 1 1000Base-X SFP port.Jumbo frame.

4910.00 ₽


Медиаконвертер D-Link DMC-805G/A (DMC-805G/A11A)

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Медиаконвертер D-Link DMC-805G/A11A

5270.00 ₽


Медиаконвертер D-Link DMC-805G/A DMC-805G/A11A 1000Base-T

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Технические характеристики D-Link DMC-805G/A11A

Общие сведения

Артикул в нашем сервисе 1000026204
Имя товара D-Link DMC-805G/A11A, Media Converter with 1 1000Base-T port and 1 1000Base-X SFP port.Jumbo frame.
Производитель D-Link
Артикул производителя DMC-805G/A11A
Штрихкод -
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi | Котофото | Позитроника | Техпорт |


Название модели D-Link DMC-805G/A11A


Количество и тип портов 1 порт 1000Base-T, 1 порт 1000Base-X SFP


Функция Преобразует сигналы 1000BASE-T витой пары в сигналы 1000BASE-SX/LX на многомодовом/одномодовом оптоволокне
Поддержка Jumbo Frame да

Максимальное расстояние оптоволоконного кабеля

Для многомодового оптоволокна 550 м


Материал корпуса Прочный металлический

Светодиодные индикаторы состояния

Наличие да


Совместимость с шасси DMC-1000 да

Обзор на D-Link DMC-805G/A11A

Marvel at the perfect balance of technology and reliability embodied in the D-Link DMC-805G/A11A, an advanced media converter designed to streamline your networking needs. This device is an essential component for extending your network with unmatched efficiency, seamlessly aligning with modern connectivity standards. The D-Link DMC-805G/A11A is adept at converting signals between the 1000Base-T twist-pair format and the 1000Base-SX/LX optical fiber formats, offering you a versatile solution for your networking infrastructure.

Key Features of D-Link DMC-805G/A11A

The D-Link DMC-805G/A11A media converter is equipped with one 1000Base-T port and one 1000Base-X SFP port, facilitating efficient and robust connections essential for high-speed internet requirements. This converter supports Jumbo Frames, a critical feature for enhancing data throughput in networking environments that demand high efficiency and reliability. Whether you aim to link up large corporate networks or align with substantial data transfer setups, the DMC-805G/A11A provides the capacity and speed to meet these challenges.

The D-Link DMC-805G/A11A is constructed with durability in mind, featuring a sturdy metallic casing that ensures its longevity and reliability over years of use. The robust build quality of this converter makes it ideal for both office and industrial environments, ensuring that it will withstand the demands of daily operational use. Further enhancing its practicality, the media converter includes LED status indicators, allowing for straightforward monitoring of the network connection status at any time without requiring technical adjustments.

Enhanced Compatibility and Applications

This media converter is designed with compatibility in focus, easily integrating into existing setups without extensive rearrangements. Its compatibility with the DMC-1000 chassis highlights its versatility, making it a flexible solution for expanding and adapting your network infrastructure. The D-Link DMC-805G/A11A proves indispensable for businesses seeking to enhance their networks with optical fiber communication, offering reliable conversion capabilities and significant flexibility for many environments.

One of the prominent features of the D-Link DMC-805G/A11A is its ability to extend the reach of optical fiber cables up to 550 meters for multimode fibers. This is particularly advantageous in large office buildings, industrial plants, and other sizable infrastructures where connecting vast areas effectively is essential. By supporting long-distance optical fiber connections, this media converter makes it possible to maintain a cohesive network fabric without compromising on speed or data integrity.

In conclusion, the D-Link DMC-805G/A11A media converter stands out as a definitive evolution in network technology. Its robust design, coupled with high compatibility and enhanced feature set, makes it a prime choice for enterprises aiming to achieve superior networking capabilities. Whether it's about expanding your current network into a new facility or upgrading to a more efficient, future-proofed infrastructure, this device delivers essential benefits that cater to modern digital demands, ensuring your business remains agile and competitive in a fast-paced digital landscape.

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D-Link DMC-805G/A11A, Media Converter with 1 1000Base-T port and 1 1000Base-X SFP port.Jumbo frame.

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