Блок питания Accord ACC-500W-80BR 500 Вт в Москвe


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Accord ACC-500W-80BR в Москвe

Артикул 1000023552
Имя товара Блок питания Accord ACC-500W-80BR 500 Вт
Производитель Accord
Артикул производителя ACC-500W-80BR
Штрихкод 6973574163645
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi | Котофото | Позитроника |

<h2 class="description_title">Efficient and Reliable: The Accord ACC-500W-80BR Power Supply</h2> <p class="description_desc">Discover the powerful and reliable Accord ACC-500W-80BR 500W power supply unit designed to meet your computer's power needs without compromise. Whether you are building a new system or upgrading an existing one, this power supply provides impressive performance, ensuring your components receive stable and efficient power delivery.</p> <p class="description_desc">The Accord ACC-500W-80BR offers a maximum power output of 500 watts, ample enough to support a robust gaming system or a workstation tasked with heavy workloads. Built to ATX12V version 2.3 standards, this unit fits seamlessly in most ATX-compatible computer cases, thanks to its form factor.</p> <h3 class="description_title">Versatile Connectivity and Features</h3> <p class="description_desc">Equipped with a variety of connectors, the Accord ACC-500W-80BR is ready to power up all your peripherals and components. The motherboard is connected via a 24-pin connector, ensuring stability and reliability. For CPU connectivity, it includes a 4+4 pin connector, ensuring sufficient power delivery even to high-performance processors.</p> <p class="description_desc">Storage devices can be connected using the six 15-pin SATA connectors, while legacy peripherals can utilize the two 4-pin Molex connectors, and there is even one 4-pin Floppy connector for older devices. Moreover, your graphics card will benefit from the 6+2 pin PCIe connector, supporting the latest GPU models.</p> <p class="description_desc">Safety and efficiency are paramount with the Accord ACC-500W-80BR. Certified with the 80 PLUS Bronze efficiency standard, this power supply ensures at least 82% efficiency under typical loads, reducing energy consumption and heat generation. Besides, it incorporates several safety features, such as overcurrent, overload, and short-circuit protection, safeguarding your investment.</p> <h3 class="description_title">A Design Focused on Cooling and Durability</h3> <p class="description_desc">To maintain optimal operating temperatures and extend the lifespan of the components, the Accord ACC-500W-80BR is equipped with a 120 x 120 mm fan located on the bottom of the unit. The fan operates quietly, preventing noise from interfering with your computing experience while effectively cooling down internal components.</p> <p class="description_desc">The power supply’s compact dimensions (150mm width x 86mm height x 140mm depth) ensure compatibility with a variety of cases without sacrificing space for other components. Moreover, its stylish black color complements nearly any case design, making it an attractive and functional addition to your system build.</p> <p class="description_desc">Accord offers a reliability promise with this power supply unit, boasting a service life of up to 3 years and a one-year warranty period. This assurance makes it a wise choice for users seeking both performance and peace of mind.</p> <p class="description_desc">In summary, the Accord ACC-500W-80BR power supply is a benchmark of quality, efficiency, and reliability. Its versatile connections, robust safety features, and elegant design ensure it stands out as a premier choice for any PC builder or upgraders seeking exceptional power delivery and system stability without compromise. Opt for Accord and power your PC with confidence.</p>

4380.00 ₽


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Блок питания Accord ACC-500W-80BR

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Технические характеристики Accord ACC-500W-80BR

Общие сведения

Артикул в нашем сервисе 1000023552
Имя товара Блок питания Accord ACC-500W-80BR 500 Вт
Производитель Accord
Артикул производителя ACC-500W-80BR
Штрихкод 6973574163645
Модель -
Найденные продавцы Oldi | Котофото | Позитроника |

Основные характеристики

Мощность 500 Вт
Версия ATX12V 2.3
Форм-фактор ATX
Система охлаждения 1 вентилятор


Тип разъема для материнской платы 24 pin
Количество разъемов 4+4 pin CPU 1
Количество разъемов 15-pin SATA 6
Количество разъемов 4-pin Molex 2
Количество разъемов 4-pin Floppy 1


Стандарт эффективности 80 PLUS Bronze
Функции защиты защита от короткого замыкания, защита от перегрузки, защита от перенапряжения
Ширина 150 мм
Высота 86 мм
Глубина 140 мм
Срок службы 3 г.
Гарантийный срок 1 г.

Технические характеристики

Мощность 500 Вт
Стандарт ATX версии v2.31
КПД 82%, 85%
Размеры 140 мм (ширина) x 86 мм (высота) x 140 мм (глубина)
Вес 1.62 кг


Охлаждение 1 вентилятор 120 x 120 мм (на нижней стенке)

Электрические параметры

Входное напряжение 220 В

Функции безопасности

Функции защиты защита от короткого замыкания, защита от перегрева

Кабели и разъемы

Кабель основного разъема питания 24 pin
Шлейф для питания процессора 1x 4+4 pin
Разъем для питания видеокарты 1x 6+2 pin
Другие разъемы 8x SATA, 2x PATA, 2x 6-pin, 1x FDD

Внешний вид

Цвет черный
Тип Retail

Обзор на Accord ACC-500W-80BR

Efficient and Reliable: The Accord ACC-500W-80BR Power Supply

Discover the powerful and reliable Accord ACC-500W-80BR 500W power supply unit designed to meet your computer's power needs without compromise. Whether you are building a new system or upgrading an existing one, this power supply provides impressive performance, ensuring your components receive stable and efficient power delivery.

The Accord ACC-500W-80BR offers a maximum power output of 500 watts, ample enough to support a robust gaming system or a workstation tasked with heavy workloads. Built to ATX12V version 2.3 standards, this unit fits seamlessly in most ATX-compatible computer cases, thanks to its form factor.

Versatile Connectivity and Features

Equipped with a variety of connectors, the Accord ACC-500W-80BR is ready to power up all your peripherals and components. The motherboard is connected via a 24-pin connector, ensuring stability and reliability. For CPU connectivity, it includes a 4+4 pin connector, ensuring sufficient power delivery even to high-performance processors.

Storage devices can be connected using the six 15-pin SATA connectors, while legacy peripherals can utilize the two 4-pin Molex connectors, and there is even one 4-pin Floppy connector for older devices. Moreover, your graphics card will benefit from the 6+2 pin PCIe connector, supporting the latest GPU models.

Safety and efficiency are paramount with the Accord ACC-500W-80BR. Certified with the 80 PLUS Bronze efficiency standard, this power supply ensures at least 82% efficiency under typical loads, reducing energy consumption and heat generation. Besides, it incorporates several safety features, such as overcurrent, overload, and short-circuit protection, safeguarding your investment.

A Design Focused on Cooling and Durability

To maintain optimal operating temperatures and extend the lifespan of the components, the Accord ACC-500W-80BR is equipped with a 120 x 120 mm fan located on the bottom of the unit. The fan operates quietly, preventing noise from interfering with your computing experience while effectively cooling down internal components.

The power supply’s compact dimensions (150mm width x 86mm height x 140mm depth) ensure compatibility with a variety of cases without sacrificing space for other components. Moreover, its stylish black color complements nearly any case design, making it an attractive and functional addition to your system build.

Accord offers a reliability promise with this power supply unit, boasting a service life of up to 3 years and a one-year warranty period. This assurance makes it a wise choice for users seeking both performance and peace of mind.

In summary, the Accord ACC-500W-80BR power supply is a benchmark of quality, efficiency, and reliability. Its versatile connections, robust safety features, and elegant design ensure it stands out as a premier choice for any PC builder or upgraders seeking exceptional power delivery and system stability without compromise. Opt for Accord and power your PC with confidence.

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